So what’s the deal with this magnetic energetic day?


We’ll never have another day as such in our lifetime… it’s a rare day for manifesting filled with this intense energy. Now, if you’re reading this after 2.22.2022, I invite you to continue reading, b/c ultimately every day we have the opportunity to manifest and create a life we love and it all starts with our ENERGY.

Yes, our energy!

Our energy is key in manifesting what we desire in our life, but here’s the thing, I know all too well its not always easy to be ‘high vibing’, life can feel heavy filled with negative emotions and suffering…

As we do this deeper personal development work, we learn that ultimately it’s up to each one of us to take responsibility for our life, which includes deciding on our energy. Yes, we get to choose. Choice is always available to each of us. When we are in awareness and we understand this, we can always make a choice to shift up our energy… it can be as simple as listening to high vibe music, a guided meditation, breath work, gratitude writing, affirmations, journalling, dancing, walking, running…. Start to pay attention to your energy throughout the day and make a choice to shift it up, raising your vibration!

Now when you’re in your magnetic, high-vibing energy, and you’ll know it, it’s when you’re feeling joyful, ease & flow, happiness, you feel as sense of purpose, calmness, at peace and often have a greater sense of clarity and perspective …. this is the time to set your intentions for manifesting which are based on your desires & goals… the important piece is taking action… yes, action in some small, simple way - and never under estimate simple. Taking simple, intentional action, over time will alway serve you. I just want to reiterate, the key in the action piece, as manifesting doesn’t just happen, you have to play a part in it!

READ that twice ;) manifesting doesn’t just happen, you have to play a part in it!

So on this high vibe day of manifesting, or actually any and each day, shift up your energy, making sure your thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions are aligned to what it is you truly desire & then take simple, intentional action and let the manifesting show up in your life.

Know that you play they key role in creating the life you love! So no sitting back eating bon, bons hoping your dream life will just appear ;)

Sending much love & abundance xx

