Be aware of the people and the places that fuel & exhaust you!

At 2:22pm on 2.22.2022 I was right here… spending a few minutes in my thoughts as I intentionally aligned with my goals & desires….

As you write this next chapter remember the importance of your energy….Be aware of the people and the places that fuel you, that ignite you…. And also that drain you and exhaust you.

Start each day (and often throughout the day) by asking yourself:

1/ Does this support the life I desire?

Start by listening to your intuition. Are you in alignment with your core values? You have so much inner wisdom, don’t be afraid to trust it. It is your guiding light and will never steer you wrong.

2/ Who am I “BEing” as I ________?

Hint: we are always “being” an identity and 9/10 your identity is being run on autopilot (aka your subconscious).

For me when I’m triggered, I choose “being” compassionate vs angry.

I choose kindness vs defensiveness.

It’s when you are in awareness that you get to choose an identity that serves you best, yes it takes effort, but the good thing is, the more you choose, the more you’ll see positive shifts in your life.

3/ Am I reliving a pattern in my life?

Not even knowing, we are all reliving patterns in our lives. It’s our wiring based on our formative years… yes, often our emotional intelligence is around 4-8 years old . Technically it’s not our fault (nor our parents, it’s a linage of generational patterns/beliefs) .

We have an internal working model that’s been created in our formative years…. It’s our attachment system with our mothers, fathers, guardians. It’s our environment we were indoctrinated into….the family dynamics, the traumas we’ve faced (and yes we’ve all had some sort of T’s in our life )

There are so many variables that create who we are and how we function…. It’s not until we do this deeper work we can start to see our patterns of what’s running the show.

It’s often difficult to see our own patterns. I’d suggest you start by looking at your relationships in your life - when the going gets tough, do you run? Do you easily cut people out of your life? do you see patterns of friendships dissolving… are you attracting the same people into your life, even when you know you want something different? Do you lack boundaries?

Then move onto finances, wellness/health, love, career, life mission. Take a deep dive into your life. Spend the time to reflect on what’s working and what’s not.

Doing this inner work is the start of when we take full responsibility for our life ….and we stop blaming others. (Side note, as soon as you blame, you’re in a victim mentality)

Peel back the layers to get closer to your true authentic self…. Make this chapter all about living a life of magnetic energetic intention.

You deserve it! We all do… I also know it takes courage to do this work… is this your year?

All my love from Mexico City, living out my best life,

